Cataracts in the Elderly
October 23, 2020
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November 13, 2020When your aging parents or loved ones need more assistance than you can provide, hiring an in-home caregiver can be beneficial. In-home care allows people to stay safely in their homes independently, healthier, and maintain their quality of life. Services can be tailored to your loved one’s needs, giving you a greater peace of mind. More importantly, health and safety risks will be avoided keeping their level of mobility and independence intact with support. Professional caregivers can visit as often as needed and during the times your loved one needs help. The following are common signs may indicate home care services are needed.
Difficulty managing day-to-day activities
When performing the basic day to day tasks becoming overly challenging or time-consuming for your loved one, it could be a sign that it is time to look for help. In-home care provides help with personal needs such as preparing meals, grocery shopping, light housekeeping, and running daily errands.
Poor hygiene
A decline in personal hygiene and appearance, is a strong indication your loved one needs in-home care. A caregiver can help them with daily tasks related to grooming and bathing, making sure they are clean and wearing clean clothes.
Difficulty with mobility
It’s common for seniors to have trouble with mobility or balance as they age, which can limit their activities and increase their risk for falls. If you have noticed that your parent is having difficulty walking getting up from the chair or going up the stairs, an in-home caregiver can make it easier for your parent to get around.
New or worsening health issues
If your loved one is experiencing an increase in health issues, it may be time to get a home caregiver. Sometimes seniors have health changes that affect their ability to live on his or her own, such as having a hard time recovering from a surgery or injury.
Driving is no longer safe
For many older adults, there comes a time when driving can be challenging. Signs of driving issues include unexplained dents and scratches on the car, increased traffic violations, accidents, getting lost in familiar areas, or worsening vision. Hiring a caregiver can help with errands and driving them to their appointments and anywhere else they may need to go.
Experiencing memory loss
If your loved ones keep missing their appointments, forget to pay their bills, or they haven’t been taking their medicine as prescribed, it might be a sign that caregiver help is needed. Forgetfulness shouldn’t be ignored. If you are concerned about your elderly parent’s memory, be sure to consult their doctor.
Mishandled finances
If your loved-one seems to have difficulty managing money and finances, such as unpaid bills, paying bills twice, losing money, late payment notices, or investment in scams, that could indicate your parent needs some help to keep their finances on track.
Loneliness can have a negative impact on a seniors physical and mental health, as it can increase their risk of dementia, depression, high blood pressure, and other health issues. If your parents spend a lot of time alone in their home, or if they lost interest in activities they used to enjoy, hiring in-home caregiver can prevent the situation from worsening by providing company and support.